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Did you meet your goals for this course? Why or why not? (and also perhaps, how?)

When I began to understand this course better and got over the surprise of a no essay, no exam format, I honestly got a bit nervous. I didn't know if I could succeed in a course where I needed to rely on my notes and my own research. I made it a personal goal to push myself, challenge my own habits, and most importantly; trust that I'm capable enough to succeed.

For full transparency, I felt out of place when the course started and I wondered if I was even smart enough to be in this class. I may be tech-savvy enough to impress my grandparents or work my way around photoshop, but actually understanding the building blocks of the early internet and computing days was way over my head. I struggled to keep up with the concepts we were learning and as you can see from some of my early notes (Feb 15 In Class Notes), I was a bit all over the place. While I kept up with the assignments and readings, I was consistently putting myself down for my lack of quality notes, but at the same time believed that there was no point in trying if I just didn't get it.

Our Unconference Style Class showed me that it's okay to think differently, and that there is no cookie-cutter approach to this class. It proved that everyone interprets things in their own way, shaped by their own experiences and knowledge. I decided to try and apply myself more to the in-class material. I tried to absorb as much as possible and write it down even if I didn't quite get it at the time. I started to ask more questions in class and spend more time reviewing my notes and making connections. (Side note, I think it's kinda cool to compare my learning curve to the development of early internet as it was all about building those connections and filling in the needs of the time)

This journey is meant to showcase the development in my note-taking and the growth I experienced throughout this course. I feel like I've met my goals of pushing myself and learning to build myself up, not tear myself down. If I didn't feel smart enough coming in, I feel more than capable now for my future endeavours.

The Journey Between 3-atomic_notes/In Class Note - Feb 1 and website 3.0/takeaways/April 3rd notes

note: my tag system was only implemented in obsidian. tags were removed from final pages uploaded to github due to the fact that they looked ugly

Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (2)

^ Low quality gif I made of the Memex coming to be