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How the Page Matters - Annotations


The page is more than a simple vehicle or container for the transmission of ideas; it is a part of those ideas, entangled in the story itself.1

Such as the canvas is entangled in the piece of art - it's just as integral to the realization of ideas.

we often overlook how the page sets the parameters for our engagement with ideas.1

I don't know if this is meant to be more philosophical than how I'm interpreting it, but I can't help but think of how I can't stand certain lined papers to write on and how I've always preferred grid paper. The guides it provides can change how I interact with the page entirely.

In thisway,theconstructionof thepagecanbereadasevidenceofitssocial history.1

I think this is extremely interesting - how the material and careful construction of a page can tell us the context of its time and some of the values of the society around it.

thus challenging the notion that the page is unique to one particular form.1

This was actually mentioned in the Book Arts Lab. Larry Thompson questioned us on whether or not we would consider a scroll to be a book and challenged why wouldn't.

Because papyrus was an important resource for communities living aroundthe Mediterranean, changes in the manufacture of papyrus-based products can be con-sidered indications of broader social change.1

Papyrus and natural forms were heavily featured in architecture to symbol their significance.

Egyptian scrolls could be as long as20 or 30 metres, although their Greek counterpaits were more often around 10 metresin length.’1

Imagine having to roll it back up. I imagine it'd be as tedious as when you drop a roll of toilet paper and have to try and get it back to normal

Based on the hinged design of the wax tablet, the codex uses a central spine to bind multiple sheets of writing weatogether.1

This is so cool. Innovation upon innovation.

Blank space is crucial to the activity of reading, and especially silent reading, Decait enhances the legibility and comprehensibility of the page.**1

Agree. I have a very hard time with huge blocks of text - much like this book!