Starting Point
✿ New and Improved with the launch of Sophie's Memex 2.0!
Changes and updates / March 10th 2023¶
Feedback based changes/additions:
More specific map of content → Added subheadings to table of content with links to their index pages.
More atomic notes → Focused on increasing the volume of notes without losing content value, but kept them shorter to keep up with the idea of having "concise explorations"
Include annotations → Included annotations in notes!
Other changes:
Made sure that dates are visible on notes, not just exclusively in metadata
Linked out to classmate's memex to provide interconnections
Created this starting point to make it easier to navigate!
5+ source notes added, atomic/idea notes as appropriate - all marked as new for easy finding.
Changes and updates / April 9th 2023¶
Made outerlinkages to other student's work more apparent and easy to access
5 source notes added, idea and atomic notes as appropriate.
Start Here!¶
This memex is a collection of experiences, thoughts, readings, and more related to Dr. Graham's History of the Internet (HIST1900c) course at Carleton University.
I'd like to encourage you to take a tour around the memex as you will see that every note is connected to another in some form. Just click through as your heart desires, but if you need a helping hand to get started, here is what I'd recommend...
Begin by perusing the index of source notes to find a reading on a topic that might interest you. This index of source notes is meant to provide a cohesive list of all titles I've read. Once you find one that interests you, go ahead and click it to read through the summary and bibliographic information.
From there you will find related links - this is where the fun begins ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). The related links will be thoughts, ideas, other readings, etc., that I've compiled that link to or complement the reading selected. Everything is connected and everything is here for a reason that will be explained note by note. It all makes sense once you start to venture through and see how I've formed these connections!
Most importantly, have fun while exploring my memex and try to find some entertainment in the way I've thought things through. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy your stay ✿
-Sophie D