Connection to Memex
"Throughout his remarkable career, Turing had no great interest in publicizing his ideas. Consequently, important aspects of his work have been neglected or forgotten over the years." (Copeland and Proudfoot 99)
The quote above was found in an article I read regarding Alan Turing's work and legacy (cited below). It was right here that I had an "aha" moment of sorts, maybe a Jimmy Neutron-esque brain blast where it fully connected to me what Dr. Graham is asking of us. That single quote struck me, and suddenly I really got it.
Not that I will ever have a great mind such as that of Turing, but I can now really understand why creating a memex can be so beneficial to one's research and learning as an academic.
Citational Information¶
Copeland, B. Jack, and Diane Proudfoot. “Alan Turing’s Forgotten Ideas in Computer Science.” Scientific American, vol. 280, no. 4, 1999, pp. 98–103. JSTOR, Accessed 10 Mar. 2023.